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European Distribution : Focus on Italy

by Isabella Weber   Looking at the stats on Italian admissions for the first trimester of 2016, one is tempted to cheer about the 24% rise registered in comparison to the same period in 2015. Especially considering that the balance for 2015 was already quite positive in terms of admissions, which had increased by 8.9%…

“C” for Cinema? The ABC of Film Education

Europa Distribution in Karlovy Vary – “C” for Cinema? The ABC of Film Education by Isabella Weber   The International Film Festival of Karlovy Vary hosted again this year the largest annual gathering of the members of Europa Distribution who, from July 3 to July 7, got together to address several critical topics for independent…

The Sound of Documentaries : Europa Distribution workshop in Nyon

by Isabella Weber   Gone are the days when the word “documentary” would only evoke tiny lions and gazelles running on your TV screens. Over the past years, documentary films have been knocking at bigger and bigger doors and gained access to “class A” film festivals, getting at the core of their official competitions and…

Joining resources to grow stronger together : Europa Distribution’s workshop in Sofia

by Isabella Weber   Far from being prerogative of do-gooders dictionaries, expressions such as “sharing economy,” “co-creation,” “open data” define today very concrete business models. So when it comes to indie film distribution, what can be shared?   20 distributors, 1 transmedia architect, 1 cultural centre manager and 1 representative of the Lux  Film Prize…

European Distribution: Focus on France

by Claire La Combe Is the French ecosystem broken? We’ve been hearing a lot of worried professionals about the state of the French films market lately…Concentration of entries in major circuits, overexposure of certain films, faster rotation of films on screens, higher promotion costs, with some art-house films which don’t even reach exhibition. Cases of…

Cine en Construcción Toulouse: Don’t Swallow My Heart, Alligator Girl! awarded by distributors and exhibitors

Last week, Europa Distribution was in Toulouse to award along with the CICAE the European Distributors and Exhibitors Prize for the 29th edition of Cine en Construcción, an event organized jointly by Toulouse and San Sebastian whose aim is to present top Latin-American films in post-production phase. The jury was composed of two ED members,…

European Distribution : Focus on Czech Republic and Slovakia

by Isabella Weber   Moving towards East, Europa Distribution’s enquire on the current state of indie film distribution continues; after Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Spain it is time for Czech Republic and Slovakia to unveil their distribution scenario.   Two Countries, One Market?   Up until 1992, Czech Republic and Slovakia were united in…

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Distribution But Were Afraid to Ask

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Distribution But Were Afraid to Ask Risks or Opportunities? A look to Film Distribution today by Isabella Weber   Outside of the cinema industry there is not much awareness about the existence of a special bridge that takes a film from being made to being seen, and that…

Sailing on legal offer streams

By Eva Morsch Kihn   In the framework of the 63rd edition of the International Film Festival of San Sebastián (Spain), Europa Distribution in cooperation with the Industry Club organised a workshop on the theme « Pushing legal offer and fighting piracy ».   “The basic pillars for films to exist online: new perspectives on discoverability, an eye-catching legal offer…