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The Constant Gardeners – What role for Distributors in the new Film Industry Ecosystem? Europa Distribution’s 11th Annual Conference in Karlovy Vary

by Isabella Weber 40 distributors, members of Europa Distribution, gathered in Karlovy Vary from the 2nd to the 6th of July in the scope of the Industry Event of the Festival. They were involved in an intense agenda of activities organised by the network and its partners for the occasion of Europa Distribution’s 11th Annual…

Focus on the UK

by Isabella Weber After having lately rediscovered Portugal, the Scandinavian countries and Italy, Europa Distribution continues its tour of Film Distribution’s landscapes and lands today on top of another of the Big Five: the United Kingdom. What are the challenges facing UK distributors today and how are they different from those engaging their European colleagues?…

The challenges of releasing indie animation: Europa Distribution’s workshop in Annecy

  by Isabella Weber In the framework of the MIFA, the Industry event of the Annecy International Film Festival, Europa Distribution organised a private workshop on June 14th dedicated to those distributors who, despite the difficulties, take on the challenge of releasing independent animation films in Europe. Nine speakers, each coming from a different country,…

The AV sector alerts the European Parliament and the Council about the need of territoriality

  411 exponents of the Film Industry, including an impressive number of Europa Distribution’s members, signed a letter addressed to Presidents Tajani and Tusk to raise the Parliament and Council’s awareness about the need for Territoriality. Absolute territorial exclusivity is the cornerstone of creativity and investment in European audiovisual works and other protected content – Communication…

Dial A for Audience. Europa Distribution at the 14th Sofia Meetings

by Isabella Weber This year Europa Distribution celebrated the 7th anniversary of its partnership with the Sofia Meetings, bringing over 20 distributors to the 21st edition of the Sofia International Film Festival from March 16 to March 19. Besides attending the festival’s activities, the members of Europa Distribution gathered on Friday 17th to discuss the…

European Distribution : Focus on Portugal

by Ernesto Leotta In the fast changing, unpredictable audiovisual world of today, running a successful distribution company can be quite a challenge. When you live in Portugal – where one “big fish” controls the quasi-totality of the “little pond”, and has its “fins” in the exhibition field – it becomes an everyday struggle. However, little…

Effective Communication in Professional Negotiations: Europa Distribution’s Workshop in Marrakech

by Isabella Weber For the 3rd consecutive year, Europa Distribution organized a workshop on Professional Interactions and Negotiation in the framework of the Marrakech International Film Festival. In a time when the number of films distributed everywhere in Europe keeps increasing, while the number of the cinema theatres remains the same, the ability to effectively…

European Distribution : Focus on Scandinavia

 by Birgit Heidsiek   Spotlight on Scandinavia: All about audience access for arthouse films   Since decades, the Scandinavian countries have had the highest number of average admissions in Europe. Although the Icelanders don’t go thirteen times per year anymore to the cinema as they used to do it in the early 1980’s, the insular…

Everything you wanted to know about distribution and were afraid to ask : Presales & Coproductions

Written by Ernesto Leotta Saturday 22 October afternoon saw a huge crowd filling Hotel Boscolo Exedra’s Michelangelo Hall in Rome, eager to hear the latest about distribution in the European Union, thanks to a panel powered by Europa Distribution and MIA – Cinema. The latter is a branch of MIA, Mercato Internazionale Audiovisivo (International Market…

Europa Distribution on the VoD Gold Rush in San Sebastian

by Isabella Weber Celebrating the 10th edition of its San Sebastian workshop in partnership with the San Sebastian Film Festival, Europa Distribution proposed this year a panel on the promotion of independent films on VoD,  open to all Industry accredited of the festival. Is VoD the new Gold Rush? How can independent films hope to…