Focus on Iceland: Bíó Paradís and the challenges of releasing independent cinema

by Birgit Heidsiek   The “Seven Year Itch” turns out well for the Bíó Paradís, a cinema and distribution company in Iceland that is showing European arthouse films and U.S. independents. With “Moonlight”, the distributor released for the first time a movie that was also booked by other exhibitors in Reykjavík. “We are releasing the…

Focus on the UK

by Isabella Weber After having lately rediscovered Portugal, the Scandinavian countries and Italy, Europa Distribution continues its tour of Film Distribution’s landscapes and lands today on top of another of the Big Five: the United Kingdom. What are the challenges facing UK distributors today and how are they different from those engaging their European colleagues?…

European Distribution : Focus on Portugal

by Ernesto Leotta In the fast changing, unpredictable audiovisual world of today, running a successful distribution company can be quite a challenge. When you live in Portugal – where one “big fish” controls the quasi-totality of the “little pond”, and has its “fins” in the exhibition field – it becomes an everyday struggle. However, little…

European Distribution : Focus on Scandinavia

 by Birgit Heidsiek   Spotlight on Scandinavia: All about audience access for arthouse films   Since decades, the Scandinavian countries have had the highest number of average admissions in Europe. Although the Icelanders don’t go thirteen times per year anymore to the cinema as they used to do it in the early 1980’s, the insular…

European Distribution : Focus on Italy

by Isabella Weber   Looking at the stats on Italian admissions for the first trimester of 2016, one is tempted to cheer about the 24% rise registered in comparison to the same period in 2015. Especially considering that the balance for 2015 was already quite positive in terms of admissions, which had increased by 8.9%…

European Distribution: Focus on France

by Claire La Combe Is the French ecosystem broken? We’ve been hearing a lot of worried professionals about the state of the French films market lately…Concentration of entries in major circuits, overexposure of certain films, faster rotation of films on screens, higher promotion costs, with some art-house films which don’t even reach exhibition. Cases of…

European Distribution : Focus on Czech Republic and Slovakia

by Isabella Weber   Moving towards East, Europa Distribution’s enquire on the current state of indie film distribution continues; after Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Spain it is time for Czech Republic and Slovakia to unveil their distribution scenario.   Two Countries, One Market?   Up until 1992, Czech Republic and Slovakia were united in…

European Distribution: Focus on the Netherlands

by Claire La Combe Whenever the film market of the Netherlands is mentioned, it is very often associated with its neighbour Belgium, as part of the “2nd rank markets” – those who fully participate in the general trend of the EU film Market, without being a dramatic player. Indeed, in terms of trends, it gently…