Europa Distribution & the Lux Prize team up at the Karlovy Vary Film Festival

A workshop titled “Distribution of European Films: A Dangerous Hobby or Sustainable Business Model” will take place at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival on July 1, organized by the European Parliament’s LUX Prize, Europa Distribution and KVIFF. “The partnership with the European Parliament is extremely important as we can show to our network of distributors that the European…

A wonderful victory for European Culture! by Luc & Jean-Pierre Dardenne

A WONDERFUL VICTORY FOR EUROPEAN CULTURE Yesterday a great step was shift for the European culture. The audiovisual has been excluded from the mandate given to the European Commission within the framework of the negotiations between Europe and the United States. This was our request. We have succeeded, Europe has succeeded, civilization has succeeded. Culture…

Press Conference – June 11 at 5pm : Creators go to Strasbourg to defend the cultural exception!

A delegation of creators, artists, performers and directors members of the coalition of the 6200 creators who have submitted a petition to the European Parliament will be in Strasbourg next Tuesday June 11, to defend the massive European Parliament vote in favor of the exclusion of cultural and audiovisual services, including online services, from the…


Brussels, 24 May 2013 Eurocinema, Europa Cinemas, Europa Distribution, Europa International, the European Producers Club, FERA, FIAD, SAA and UNIC congratulate the European Parliament for voting in favour of the resolution calling for the exclusion of cultural and audiovisual services, including online services, from the negotiating mandate of the free trade agreement between the US…

Cinema Communication: Consultation Round 3, time for Knock Out? by Claire La Combe

On April the 30th, the European Commission has launched a third public consultation for reviewing the state aid criteria it uses to assess national support schemes for films and other audiovisual works. After two years of discussion and tensed negotiations with stakeholders and Member states, this consultation is meant to be the last. Indeed, regarding…

EU/US Trade negotiations : The European film is at stake by Birgit Heidsiek

The digitization that leads to new distribution channels, business models and marketing strategies with own rules and restrictions is only one part of all the changes and challenges the European film industry is confronted with. While the green paper was promoting multi-territorial licensing and intended to leave no place for national theatrical distributors, the European…

Europa Distributions supports Alta Films – April 22 2013

We, Europa Cinemas, Europa Distribution and Europa International, representing together an important European audiovisual and cinematographic chain, would like to express our support to Alta Films. This very important independent Spanish film producer, distributor and exhibitor (200 screens, 530 employees) is forced to close down due to the current economic and political situation in Spain.…