EU struggle on creative rights: in who’s best interest?

  EU struggle on creative rights: in who’s best interest? by Claire La Combe     Next Monday, April 27th, will be held an “extraordinary meeting” of the EU Parliament Committee on Culture & Education (CULT) in Strasbourg, with Commissioner Andrus Ansip (VP. For DG Connect) on the future strategy for a Digital Single Market…

Desde allá wins the European Distributors & Exhibitors Prize in Toulouse

From March 27 to 28, Europa Distribution was in Toulouse to award along with the CICAE the European Distributors and Exhibitors Prize for the 27th edition of Cine en Construcción, an event organized jointly by Toulouse and San Sebastian whose aim is to present top Latin-American films in post-production phase.   The jury was composed…

Audience… Where are you? – ED workshop in Sofia 2015

by Isabella Weber The ability to target and reach the right audience for a film can make the difference between a successful release and a flop. The Europa Distribution workshop, which took place on 13th and 14th of March within the framework of the “Sofia Meetings”, gathered 21 European distributors eager to share their experiences…

The EU institutions’ new groove – the weekly Digital rhyme

by Claire La Combe   Last week was a busy week on the topic of “digital”. DG Connect Commissioners went touring on the Digital Market reforms for the EU. Platforms were different, but speeches were the same: “we need to remove barriers on the Digital Market in Europe (DSM)”; “we need to listen more to…

European Film Forum: (re)open(ed) talks on the Film market in the Digital Era

by Claire La Combe   Last week at the Berlinale, was the occasion of the first European Film Forum (EFF) session. The keynote speech was given by Günther H. Oettinger, EU Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Society, himself. Bases were settled for a dialogue between the Commission and the Film industry stakeholders on the…