Cine en Construcción Toulouse: Don’t Swallow My Heart, Alligator Girl! awarded by distributors and exhibitors

Last week, Europa Distribution was in Toulouse to award along with the CICAE the European Distributors and Exhibitors Prize for the 29th edition of Cine en Construcción, an event organized jointly by Toulouse and San Sebastian whose aim is to present top Latin-American films in post-production phase. The jury was composed of two ED members,…

European Distribution : Focus on Czech Republic and Slovakia

by Isabella Weber   Moving towards East, Europa Distribution’s enquire on the current state of indie film distribution continues; after Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Spain it is time for Czech Republic and Slovakia to unveil their distribution scenario.   Two Countries, One Market?   Up until 1992, Czech Republic and Slovakia were united in…

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Distribution But Were Afraid to Ask

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Distribution But Were Afraid to Ask Risks or Opportunities? A look to Film Distribution today by Isabella Weber   Outside of the cinema industry there is not much awareness about the existence of a special bridge that takes a film from being made to being seen, and that…

Sailing on legal offer streams

By Eva Morsch Kihn   In the framework of the 63rd edition of the International Film Festival of San Sebastián (Spain), Europa Distribution in cooperation with the Industry Club organised a workshop on the theme « Pushing legal offer and fighting piracy ».   “The basic pillars for films to exist online: new perspectives on discoverability, an eye-catching legal offer…

Festival Biarritz Amérique Latine – Congratulations to IXCANUL and UN MONSTRUO DE MIL CABEZAS

Last week, the heart of Biarritz was beating to the Latin American rhythm for the 24th edition of the Festival Biarritz Amérique Latine. As each year, a focus on film was the occasion to award works and talents from this continent. Etienne Ollagnier from Jour2Fête (France), member of Europa Distribution, was part of the Long…

European Distribution: Focus on the Netherlands

by Claire La Combe Whenever the film market of the Netherlands is mentioned, it is very often associated with its neighbour Belgium, as part of the “2nd rank markets” – those who fully participate in the general trend of the EU film Market, without being a dramatic player. Indeed, in terms of trends, it gently…

9th annual conference at Karlovy Vary IFF 2015

by Eva Morsch Kihn   The 9th Europa Distribution annual conference, organized with the support of Creative Europe, took place from July the 5th to the 8th in the scope of the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, Czech Republic. This event is part of a cycle of workshops organized by Europa Distribution all year round…

Step In roundtables in Locarno 2015

Europa Distribution was present in Locarno on August 9 for Step In roundtables, the festival’s initiative during which once a year, several professionals from all the value chain dedicate a full day to reflect together on problematics related to the film industry. Christine Eloy, General Manager of Europa Distribution, was moderating the table focusing on…

Diverge by James Morrison, award of the 4th edition of US in Progress in Paris

by Claire La Combe DIVERGE, first feature film by the American James Morrison, has just won the prize of the 4th edition of US in progress Paris. The jury, composed by ten different professionals, including Christelle Oscar (Haut et Court, France) as member of Europa Distribution, elected this project among four other works-in-progress presented during…